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Tag: the dark knight

Christopher Nolan: The Next Spielberg In The Making

Christopher Nolan: The Next Spielberg In The Making

Published On: 30 July 2018

The man who is famous for giving futuristic films and making them close to reality as well. I'm talking about Christopher Nolan who is famous for his films which are popular with the young adults and the intellectuals. The director had even visited India later this year and promised to shoot a film in India this time.... Read more

Hollywood Christopher Nolan Interstellar Inception

The Dark Knight To Be Re-released in IMAX on the occasion of its anniversary

The Dark Knight To Be Re-released in IMAX on the occasion of its anniversary

Published On: 19 July 2018

The only superhero film which is the most loved film of them all and was loved by most of us is finally going to release in IMAX after 10 years. This is an excitement for most of us who have kept this film in the bottom of our hearts and still love it.... Read more

Hollywood Christian Bale