Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 3: Teaser pictures released: What to expect from the battle against the Night King
Published On: 25 April 2019 | Hollywood | By: Anjali Shukla
Ultimate doomsday is here, with a quick death for some and haunting tomorrow for those who survive. No one is coming out of this long night in Game of Thrones unscathed.

Game of thrones finale season is running good so far. in the previous episode we had people soothe their souls practicing forgiveness and celebrating their last night together in a bitter-sweet solace. The third episode of Game of thrones season 8 is supposed to be the longest one in the series so far. Well with all the hype about the big army of walking dead they must give an entire episode to the battle of Dead and the Living. Its the battle of survival of the fittest and many have put their bets on the living.
Also read: Down the memory lane with Game of Thrones
Here are the first photos for Game of Thrones season eight episode three released by HBO and everyone looks shell shocked. Why? What surprise White walkers have brought with them? What happened in the Safe haven of underground Crypts?
Why Dany and Jon are standing on a mountain looking down upon a Winterfell from far?
What is Varys upto now? Is Tyrion giving him the intel that Bran passed on to him? Will the Spider betray the Dragon in the interest of the realm?
This is not new. Jon Snow wears this face quite often.
Ser Brianne of Tarth leading her first command and fighting alongside the King Slayer himself, Ser Jaime. Where is Tormund?
Lady of Winterfell and the faceless girl, Arya, one who knows death. Will Death surprise her this time?
These pictures have sure set the anticipation high for Sunday's episode. Stay tuned for more of Game of thrones stories and theories.
Tags: Game of Thrones season 8 episode 3 George R.R. Martin Daenayrs Targaryen Cercei Lannister Tyrion Sansa Stark Jon Snow Arya
Meet the author
Hey this is Anjali Shukla. I am pursuing my masters in English and Cultural Studies at Christ University. I am a movie buff and a classic nerd. When it comes to picking holidaying options I am quite satisfied with good chinese takeout and my movie hard drive or my mini library with a generous supply of books. I love travelling as it is a default hobby of having your father serving in the air force. I am interested in reading Philosophy especially that of existentialist philosophers like Nietzsche and Jean Paul Sartre.