Censor / Central Board of Film Certification : How it works ?
Published On: 25 June 2019 | Hollywood | By: Ravi Mondeti
Every once in a while, the censor board does something that results in outrage amongst the twitterati and movie critics alike. The censor board, its critics argue, should only certify movies and not ask for any cuts. After all, its formal name is the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC). Curious to know how it works?

The Censor Board of Film Certification became the Central Board of Film Certification after the Cinematograph (Certification) Rules were revised in 1983. The body is governed by the Cinematograph Act, 1952, on the basis of which it was set up in the first place. The role of the body, as per the Act, is to examine and certify films for paid public screenings in India.
The CBFC consists of three panels,. The examining committee has five CBFC members but not the chairman. Most films get the certification from this panel. The process generally takes about a week or two. Most films are sent for certification a week prior to release.
The second panel is called the revising committee. This panel, which comprises an entirely different set of members from the previous one, gets to work once the examining committee refuses certification for a film.
The identity of the panel members are not revealed to the public and it includes the chairman. The panel can refuse certification if the “recommended cuts" they ask are not agreeable to the makers of the film.
The final panel of the CBFC is the Film Certification Appellate Tribunal or what is commonly referred to as FCAT. This panel comprises retired judges (high court and Supreme Court) and senior industry members. Generally, films take longer to get certified—about a month—because it takes time to constitute the panel.
Often filmmakers agree the cuts suggested by the examining committee itself due to commercial considerations such as screening the film on release date itself.
Once the film is refused certification by the tribunal, the makers can go to the high court and further to the supreme court in case of an unfavourable verdict. There are four censor certificates in India:
U - Universal
UA - Universal under adult supervision
A - Adult
S - For special class (like farmers, doctors and so on).
Meet the author
Cinephile and an aspiring Storyteller. Sharing my views and experiences (before and after watching a Movie) in this Space. Believes in Alfred Hitchcoc's principle of three things that can make a Great Movie - The Script ,The Script and The Script.