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Bring out the inner child in you this Year

Published On: 06 June 2018 | Hollywood | By:

There's always time for some fun when it comes to movies, dig into these movies not just for fun, nevertheless channel the inner kid in you. Here's 8 movies you should pick up on in 2018.

Bring out the inner child in you this Year
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1. Incredibles 2


After 2014, Disney and Pixar have come up joining hands to present to you the sequel of the 2014 animated superhero family movie, Incredibles 2. Being the squad and saving as 1 unit has always been the go to for any superhero squad. But every squad must have its leader, Elastigirl has been appointed by the chief for a new job as elasticgirl is the best to change the perception of superhero’s to the world. As she leaves for work out to the big bad streets, Mr. Incredible is the man of the house i.e take care of 3 incredible kids. ITS TIME TO GET BACK TO SEEING WHATS INCREDIBLE.

2. LEGO Movie 2


After The Lego Movie and happenings of Taco Tuesday, the world has toughened and nothing has remained the same, except for Emmet. In a world full of grown and ferocious lego people, Emmet stands rattled to continue to be himself, even from the first movie.

3. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse


There’s more than 1 superhero who always gets the job done, but have you ever seen 2 of the same kind? Here’s marvel’s animation of the Black Spiderman who comes to realisation that its not just him that wears the mask. Miles is the second Spider-Man to appear in Ultimate Marvel(a limited edition of marvel comics). It might seem a little weird at first, but it’s really AMAZING.



Dracula has been the owner of Hotel TRANSYLVANIA for many years now. He’s been in and out of many sticky situations and he’s had the help of his friends along the way. Except, he’s missing something, something or someone for him. He needs a break from providing and catering to the needs of his customers (which he does a wonderful job of) Mavis his daughter has the perfect idea, going on a cruise. At first Dracula finds it as a ridiculous idea, but his attention is stolen and he quite can’t resist his feelings.

5. Wreck-It Ralph 2 (Ralph Breaks the Internet)


After Ralph finally gets what he wants to be and make a difference in not only his life but also the life of others, He and Vanellope is out going viral on the internet. The arcade gets a new connection and the duo take a trip through the wires. Theyre inthe world wide web and wonder up what is the internet. Youtube, IMDB, Moviekoop, National Geographic, Ebay, Cisco, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, Google and even games and other big names came up we’re yet to know what they’re upto this time.

Also Read: Ralph is coming to Wreck the Internet

6. The Grinch


The party-pooper of every Christmas has his own movie now. He’s out to do mean things. Catch the movie in theatres on 9th November 2018.

7. Duck Duck Goose


The geese family is well know to be a tight-knit flock of birds who migrate everyseason. But Peng’s purpose in life inst just to just follow the flock. He wishes to live life on his own terms and not under any others. On his pursuit, he rescues 2 ducklings and later on the trio now go through obstacles high, low, deep and shallow as the ducklings now treat Peng in a parent figure. 

8. Small Foot


There are creatures and species which are yet known to the world. The marvels of nature are just waiting to be discovered by those who are daring enough to look beyond their limits. Yeti monsters from the heights of the tallest mountains are mythical creatures, but to them, small foots aka. Humans are mythical creatures. Migo the Yeti is convinced of with his own experience that Humans do exist when no one believes him except the SES the abbreviation of Smallfoot’s Exist Suckers!

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