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Suryakantham Movie Review: Rottened RomCom Story with cliched jokes galore

Modified On: 29 March 2019 | Reviewed By:

An eccentric woman named Suryakantham (Niharika Konidela) whose decisions cause problems for everyone in her life. The parents of Abhi played by Rahul Vijay arrange his marriage with Pooja played by Perlene. Suryakantam turns the world upside down when they are about tied to the knot.


Director: Pranith Bramandapally | Music Director: Mark K Robin

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Suryakantham deals with a routine triangular love story. The first half of the movie is engaging and entertaining with some good comedy and romantic scenes. But the narration is slow and predictable in the second half. It is an average from Niharika Konidela, who is the first actress from the mega family, say the audience.

‘Suryakantam’ is directed by newcomer Pranith Brahmandapally who earlier directed the web series ‘Muddapappu Avakai’ starring Niharika. In his debut movie, the director has employed same web series comedy sequences to narrate this clichéd storyline. Barring the Niharika’s ‘Gone Girl’ act, there is nothing new in this story of a boy caught between two girls.

Right from the opening sequence between a pantulu and Shivaji Raja, the so-called jokes are outdated. While Shivaji Raja is reading a newspaper, the pantulu asks, ‘are you reading newspaper?’ and pat comes the reply, “no, I am selling vegetables”. Such is the clichéd jokes galore we see in this so-called new-age rom-com.

Suryakantam has commitment phobia due to her broken family. Generally, we see this trait in the male protagonist, here the gender is reversed. But the director has failed to tell it engagingly and entertainingly. Though the second half is fairly better than the boring first half, the movie on whole tests patience.

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