Malayalam actor Manju Warrier rescued after being stranded for six days in remote Himachal Pradesh village.
Published On: 22 August 2019 | Mollywood | By: Saurabh S Nair
Manju Warrier and the rest of the team of Sanal Kumar Sasidharan’s film, Kayattam, were rescued from a remote village in Himachal Pradesh after six days. Heavy rains had triggered landslides.
After being stranded for the six days in remote village Chhatru in Lahaul Spiti district in Himachal Pradesh, popular Malayalam film actor Manju Warrier, along with entire film unit of Kayattam, safely reached tourist town of Manali.
“I am very happy and relieved to inform all of you that me and entire team of movie Kayattam by Sanal Kumar Sasidharan reached back by midnight in Manali and are safe now after being stranded for six days in the regions of Shiyagoru and Chhatru in Himachal Pradesh due to snowfall and landslides,” Manju Warrier posted on her Facebook page.
Sheagoru to Chhatru. A moment from the adventure... Video courtesy : Bineesh Chandran
Posted by Manju Warrier on Wednesday, August 21, 2019
“Thanks to all big hearts who swiftly and responsibly executed the rescue operations,” Manju continued while also expressing her concern about flood-hit Kerela.
The film unit also expressed gratitude to the district administration for its prompt action in the rescue operation. Unit members reached Manali at midnight on Wednesday. It is learned that many of the unit members had fallen sick due to the cold weather and were undergoing treatment in Manali.
The crew had been camping for two weeks at Chhatru, located 100 km away from Manali, for the shoot of Malayalam film director Sanal Kumar Sasidharan’s movie titled Kayattam. Six days ago when incessant monsoon rains triggered landslides in the region, road connectivity to Chhatru got snapped. Manju then reached out to her elder brother, actor Madhu Warrier for help. He appealed to authorities to take urgent steps for the safe evacuation of those stranded and ensure that they were provided food. Madhu also informed the media that his family had contacted the minister of state for external affairs, V Muraleedharan, who, in turn, reached out to Himachal chief minister Jai Ram Thakur for immediate help.
District administration had dispatched a team of medical officers and the revenue officers to inquire the well being of the film unit. The unit moved to Koksar on Wednesday, after the road in the region, was restored for traffic.
Tags: Mollywood Manju Warrier
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