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Upadhyaksha Movie Review: Upadhyaksha: Chikkanna stands out with his comedic performance in his debut flick as the hero

Modified On: 27 January 2024 | Reviewed By:

Upadhyaksha storyline: The film is about a villager, Narayana (Chikkanna), who is the vice president of "Chi-Thu" sangha and refuses to get promoted to the president's place because of his affection towards the current president. He fights Shiva Rudregowda ( P Ravishankar), the local goon, to win over his beloved Anjali (Malaika T Vasupal).

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Review: The film revolves around the differences between Narayana (Chikkanna) and his Chi Thu Sanga accomplices in Gejjepura with Shivarudre Gowda (P Ravishankar). As the vice president of Chu Thu Sangha, Chikkanna plans a trip to Bangkok for the villagers to hinder Shivarudre Gowda's construction of a convention hall. However, trouble arises when the money collected for the trip goes missing, and suspicions fall on Shivarudre.

Shivarudre takes advantage of past debt, forcing Narayana to work as a servant in his home to clear it. During this time, Narayana meets Shivarudre's daughter, Anjali (Malaika T Vasupal), and falls in love with her. Despite Anjali's father's disapproval, Narayana and Anjali go missing.

Chikkanna, in his first lead role, stands out with his comedic performance as Narayana. He sticks to his strengths of comedy, one-liners, and humorous conversations, making the audience laugh heartily. Malaika T Vasupal impresses in her role as an innocent girl. The film includes some double entendres and cringy sequences that could have been avoided. However, the entertaining and hilarious conversations between Chikkanna and P Ravishankar contribute to the film's appeal.

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