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Tom Hanks reunites with Robin Wright and director Robert Zemeckis for 'Here'

Published On: 28 June 2024 | Hollywood | By:

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Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, and director Robert Zemeckis have reunited for the upcoming film "Here," an adaptation of Richard McGuire's graphic novel. The first trailer, recently released online, hints at an epic family saga centered around a special house and the generations of families who inhabit it.

In "Here," Hanks and Wright portray characters who age from young adulthood to old age, appearing younger than they did in their iconic film "Forrest Gump." The official synopsis describes the film as "an original story about multiple families and a special place they inhabit, capturing the most relatable of human experiences."

A standout feature of the film is the use of an AI tool called Metaphysic Live, which allows for real-time face swaps and digitally de-ages both Hanks and Wright. This technology was confirmed by director Zemeckis during an interaction with Variety.

Fan reactions have been enthusiastic, with comments highlighting the emotional resonance of seeing Hanks and Wright together again. One fan remarked, "Oh guys, you made a film where Forrest and Jenny are finally together as a happily married couple. You made me cry. Thank you so much. You don’t know what it means to a Forrest Gump fan like me to finally see that. It’s so beautiful." Another fan noted, "So they de-aged Tom Hanks to how he looked 40 years ago? It kind of looks like a sequel to Forrest Gump had he grown his hair out from the buzz cut." However, some expressed cautious optimism, with one comment on X saying, "Sounds intriguing. Hopefully, the story keeps the audience engaged because the concept is gonna wear out its welcome a half hour into the film."

In the film, Hanks portrays various ages, from his current age of 67 to a young man and even an older man in his 80s. The transformations are achieved through a mix of traditional makeup effects and digital de-aging.

With the beloved reunion of Hanks, Wright, and Zemeckis, "Here" promises to offer a unique cinematic experience, blending nostalgia with a fresh narrative. The film's innovative use of technology and emotional storyline have already generated significant buzz and anticipation among audiences.

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