Suvarna Sundari is a Historical multilingual drama (Telugu and Kannada) writtern and directed by MSN Surya. The film is bankrolled by ML Lakshmi. The film stars Poorna, Jayaprada, Sakshi Choudhary, Ram, Indra, Saikumar, Naginedu, Kota Srinivasa Rao, Mukhtar Khan, Avinash amongnst an ensemble cast. Sai Karthick has scored music for the film. Jaya Prada will be playing a key role in the film, and is a bridge between past and future. Poorna will be playing the role of her mother. The movie will highlight the bonding between the mother and the daughter. Poorna will be doing her come back to the Sandalwood industry through this movie. The film dates back to 600 years ago in Sri Krishnadevaraya era.
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