Sachin is a Malayalam Romantic Comedy movie directed by Santhosh Nair, with Aju varghese, Dhyan Sreenivasan, Anna Rajan, Hareesh in lead roles. Sachin is a romantic flick set in the backdrop of Cricket. The story revolves around a boy who was born on the day when Indian Cricketer Sachin Tendulkar hit century. After watching Sachin's performance, Viswanathan (Raju) got excited and named his son as Sachin. Sachin too played cricket while growing up and his love for Sachin Tendulkar was unflinching. Meanwhile, sachin falls in love with Anjali (Anna Rajan), a village damsel who is four years elder to him. (it can be recalled that Anjali, wife of Sachin Tendulkar too is elder than him). Later on, trouble brew in and their wedding will get cancelled. How Sachin resolve the issues forms the rest of the story.
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