Olessia is a Malayalam Drama Movie Written and Directed by Nazrudinsha. The Movie stars Anson Paul, Divya Das in the lead roles and Afzal Ali, Cindrella, Yesudas, Bindhu Aneesh, Baby Nayana ,Vijayan Kodanad, Leela Krishnan, Njarackal Sreeni, Jose Vijayraj, Anoop Sidharth, Shyamili Salaudheen, Shaji Razak, Stanley, Sidharth Anoop, George, in the supporting roles.The movie is produced by Nazrudinsha. Music of the movie is composed by Nazrudinsha .Rajesh Manassery , Prasanth C Bose has handled the cinematography while Rizal Jainy , Zakaria Sayed has edited the movie.
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