Masterpiece is an Indian Malayalam language action comedy film directed by Ajai Vasudev and starring Mammooty in the lead role, who appears as a college professor. The film also stars Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Unni Mukundan, Maqbool Salmaan, Santhosh Pandit and Mahima Nambiar. Udaykrishna of the Udaykrishna–Sibi K. Thomas duo is the scenarist. Stunts are choreographed by Stunt Silva and Anal Arasu. The film revolves around Edward Livingstone (Mammootty), who makes a comeback to the college he studied, as a professor. Edward is a rich, ruthless, unfriendly teacher and a terror to the students. Unni, alongside actress Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, is playing a cop in the movie. Punam Bajwa will be seen playing a college professor in the movie.
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