Mahira is an Indian Kannada suspense, action, thriller movie written and directed by Mahesh Gowda. This film is produced by Vivek Kodappa & friends under the banner of The Jackfruit Productions. The music is composed by Nilima Rao and Rakesh U P, Cinematography is handled by Keertan Poojary and Ashik Koosugotti is edited this movie.. Mahira means it is a Sanskrit word. It is a story that depicts Mother-Daughter relationship and the story revolves around the incident happens in three days. Virginia Rodrigues plays role of lead protagonist trying to protect her daughter, played by Chaitra Achar, whilst Raj B Shetty as Chief Investigator tries to join missing pieces to reveal the truth. Balaji Manohar, Gopal Krishna Deshpande, K P Sridhar, Babu Hirannaiah, Apoorva Som and Shaukat Ali support the narrative with their enganging performances.
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