Rishab Shetty is the director as well as the lead actor in Kantara. The film also stars Kishore and Achyuth Kumar in the lead roles and is bankrolled by Hombale Films. Kantara is a story that revolves around a demi-god – Bhoota, who trades the forest land of the tribal with the king in exchange of his happiness. The king’s son grows up to be a greedy person and claims the land back leading to series of events. Set in a fictional village of Dakshina Kannada, Kantara brings alive the traditional culture of Kambla and Bhootha Kola. It is believed that Demigods are the guardians and their energies encircle the village. In the story, there is a ripple when a battle of ego swirls among the traditions and culture of the land. In a conflict between humanity and nature, Shiva is in rebellion and working against the latter. He engages in intense conflicts leading up to a war between the villagers and evil forces. Can Shiva reinstate peace and harmony? "Kantara is a mysterious forest and this is a story that happens around the area, if I were to explain it as per my story. The film title has a tagline calling it a dhanta kathe or a legend. I did not want to give the film a straight or direct title. The word is not used often. While it has Sankrit origins, it is used in Kannada too. It is used in Yakshagana too, where we call a very mysterious forest Kantara. This title creates a mystery and let everyone even solve it right from the title itself," shares Rishab.
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