Game Paisa Ladki is a Hindi Action, Romance Movie Directed by Sachin Agarwal. The Movie stars Zakir Hussain Bhai Pathan, Deepans Garge Raj, in the lead roles and Sezal Sharma Nazook, Ranjit Waghela, Navin Prabhakar Sandy, Late.Sitaram Panchal Prakash Patel, Late. Ashraful Hauqe Asraf, Sanjay Sonu Sanjay, Ishteyak Arif Ramjane, K.K Tower in the supporting roles.The movie is produced under the banner Modern Moviee Pvt Ltd. Music of the movie is composed by Dev Sikdar. Pradeep M. Gupta has handled the cinematography while Irfan Ishak has edited the movie. Nazuk has lost her family and circumstances have forced to become the mistress of an underworld Don. But destiny favours her in the form of Raaj, and both of them decide to do something dangerous, will they succeed?
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