Fryday is a Hindi Comedy movie set to release in 2018. The movie is directed by Abhishek Dogra and stars Varun Sharma, Govinda and Sanjay Mishra in the lead. The film revolves around a salesman Rajiv (Varun Sharma) of a water purifier company, who is frustrated with his luck which involves his sleazy boss and his foul-mouthed colleague. One fine day he gets a client in the form of Gagan Kumar (Govinda) who is particularly infamous for overacting his lines while playing Salim in the play form of the cult romantic tale Mughal-E-Azam. One fine day, Rajiv heads to Gagan's home who is having a ball when his wife is gone for a business trip in Shimla and he is seen philandering with a young woman (Digangana Suryavanshi).
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