Daredevil Musthafa is a Kannada comedy drama film directed by Shashank Soghal. The movie features an ensemble cast including Shishir Baikady, Aditya Ashree, Abhay, Supreeth Bharadwaj, Aashith, Srivatsa, Prerana, M S Umesh, Mandya Ramesh, Mysore Anand, Sunder Veena, Harini, Nagabhushana, Poornachandra Mysuru, Vijay Shobhraj, Chaithra Shetty, Karthik Pattar, Krishnegowda, and Mahadeva. The plot revolves around Ramanuja lyengari and his gang, who conspire to get Musthafa expelled from college. The story takes viewers on a series of entertaining adventures that culminate in a thrilling cricket match, which will determine everyone's destiny. The film is based on a short story by K.P Poornachandra Tejaswi.
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