"Case of Kondana" is a 2023 investigative thriller film starring Vijay Raghavendra and Bhavana Menon in the roles of police officers. Directed by Devi Prasad Shetty, a filmmaker acclaimed for his work in crime genres, the film is branded with the tagline "09/2018," reflecting its chronological context. The director, noted for his expertise in crime-related cinema, has chosen to name the movie 'Case of Kondana' and has incorporated the tagline '09/2018,' aligning it with the film's time frame. Vijay Raghavendra assumes the role of a police officer and shares the screen with his 'Chowka' co-star. "Case of Kondana" marks the reunion of Vijay Raghavendra with director Devi Prasad Shetty, renowned for his film "Seetharam Benoy," for a captivating investigative thriller. Raghavendra once again steps into the shoes of a law enforcement officer, this time opposite his former co-star from "Chowka," generating excitement for the film.
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