"Bumper" is a thrilling Tamil and Malayalam drama directed by M. Selvakumar. Pulipandi, the protagonist of the story, resides in Thoothukudi and engages in various criminal activities with his group of friends in pursuit of money. Due to their criminal activities, they find themselves being pursued by the police, increasing their fear of arrest. In an attempt to escape capture, Pulipandi and his friends devise a plan to go on a pilgrimage to Sabarimala. During their journey, Pulipandi purchases a lottery ticket from Ismail, an honest lottery merchant, at Pampa. Unfortunately, Pulipandi loses the lottery ticket, but later Ismail discovers that the lost ticket has actually won the bumper prize of 10 crores. The rest of the story revolves around whether Pulipandi will receive the lottery prize or not, presenting an action-packed roller coaster ride filled with numerous twists and turns.
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