Bhaagamathie is an Indian Telugu and Tamil Modern-day thriller film written and directed by G. Ashok. Bhaagamathie is produced under UV Creations banner. First look of the movie was released on November 7th, 2017 Anushka Shetty's birthday. The movie is slated to release on 12th of January , 2018. It features Anushka Shetty of Baahubali fame is playing the lead role while Unni Mukundan, Jayaram, and Aadhi Pinisetty are playing supporting roles. Anushka Shetty is reported to have shed 18 Kilos for her role in the movie. Aadhi Pinisetty is playing the male lead role in this supernatural thriller. This movie is women centric where Malayalam actor Jayaram will be making his Telugu debut. The Plot: Chanchala IPS played by Anushka Shetty gets convicted for the murder of Shakthi (Unnikrishnan Mukundan). She is Minister Eeshwar Prasad's PS, played by Jayaram. The cops shift Chanchala to an old bunglow where she starts experiencing strange things and gets possessed by Bhaagmathie. Who is Bhaagmathie? What is the story behind her? Will she be able to come out of this situation forms the crux of the story.
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