BMW is an Indian Kannada entertainer movie written and directed by Gandharva Raya Rawuth. This movie is jointly produced by Jagadish Purushotham Patel and Mayur Harish Patel under the banner Neeltop Productions. Sri Ram Gandharva has composed the music and Cinematography is handled by J S Wali. The cast of this movie includes Praveen Tej, Chikkanna, Akash Singh Rajput, Rangayana Raghu, Avinash, Chethan Kumar, Sri Ram Gandharva, Priyanka Malnad, Ektha Rathod, Poorvi Joshi, Anusha. This movie revolves around the lives of nine friends, showcasing their journey of growing up , highs and lows of their relationship, love and compassion , end of the college days and beginning of a new life .
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