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Adwoa Akoto


Languages Known For: English and Hindi



Adwoa Akoto, a talented British actress, made her impactful debut in the acclaimed HBO/BBC series "I May Destroy You," which explored contemporary issues of sexual consent. Her versatility has since been evident in a range of critically praised film and television projects. On Amazon's comedy-drama "Hapless," often compared to the UK's "Seinfeld," Adwoa charmed audiences with her seamless blend of humor and drama. She further demonstrated her skill in tackling complex social issues in Sky's political drama "This England."

In 2023, Adwoa is actively filming a recurring role in a confidential Apple TV series and has recently wrapped up a significant supporting role in an upcoming US thriller feature. She is also set to star in a detective thriller premiering on Netflix in early 2024.

In addition to acting, Adwoa is an accomplished writer of fiction, prose, and poetry. Her evocative work has been featured on BBC Radio One for World Poetry Day, where her poignant verses resonated widely, and she was interviewed about her literary achievements.

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